Name: Mrs Tatyana WIMBUSH MCIL CL
City: Glasgow
Country / Territory: United Kingdom
Native language(s): RUSSIAN
Language(s) of qualification: ENGLISH
天美传媒 number: 30768
Membership number (pre-Autumn 2016): 024542
Membership grade: Member
Membership status: Current
Chartered?: Yes
Chartered Linguist section(s): CL (Translator), CL (Interpreter)
Telephone number: +44(0)7881 792 623
Business: Contracts, Marketing, Public Relations
Law: Certificates, Contracts, Criminal
Literature: Biography, Fiction, Non-Fiction
Medicine: Dentistry, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Paediatrics
Military: Defence, Security
Oil and Gas: Oil, Gas
Politics: Central Government, Human Rights, International Development
Other Skills: Editing, Proofreading, Subtitling, Voice-overs